Fiberglass: The Versatile Material

Fiberglass is a composite material comprising of woven glass fibres embedded in a plastic resin matrix. It is light weight, has high strength, and has improved ductility compared to traditional materials. Besides this unique combination of properties, fiberglass, even at minimum thickness, boasts a high specific resistance to steel and an exceptional electrical insulating capability.

These properties enable fiberglass to prove its utility beyond simple insulation. With these characteristics, fiberglass offers superior protection for machinery, promotes energy conservation, and ensures workers’ safety.

Whilst fiberglass is extremely useful for industrial, commercial, and residential use, it should be handled with care to avoid injury. Its thick fibers which are found in insulation wools and filamentous glass, is known to cause skin irritation. Hence, as with any material, due care should be taken whilst dealing with fiberglass too.

Hatim Dielectrics range of fiberglass products: As a leading producer of high-performance fiberglass, Hatim Dielectrics range of fiberglass products include:

  • Fiber glass tape
  • Fiber glass sleevings
  • Fiber glass cord
  • Fiber glass banding tape